Please follow us on facebook for up to date news of what is happening at Great Wood Farm.

post Christmas, Elaborative Reminiscing

Elaborative Reminiscing

A blog showcasing the importance of not taking Christmas decorations down too quickly, backed up by research!

taster session, starting nursery

Starting Nursery

Preparing yourself and your baby for nursery.

process art, cutting with scisssors, toddlers

Process over Product

A blog explaining our approach to teaching art and creativity with young children.

5 books scheme

5 Books Scheme

A blog about the 5 books scheme in Kindergarten

Fun Mudder sign

Fun Mudder Event Blog

A blog about our Fun Mudder event and defibrillator fundraising project.


Attachments and Settling In Process Blog

A discussion around attachments and settling in from our Baby Room Leader

Our curriculum

Reformed EYFS Blog

A discussion on the implementation of the new Early years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

bottle feeding lamb

Experiential Learning Blog

Our second blog on experiential learning and a reflection of this last year (March 2021)
