Please follow us on facebook for up to date news of what is happening at Great Wood Farm.

taster session, starting nursery

Starting Nursery

Preparing yourself and your baby for nursery.

boy petting dog Dachshund

Safeguarding Children in the Presence of Dogs

We have developed a new policy on this area and thought a blog might be helpful to share with parents.

process art, cutting with scisssors, toddlers

Process over Product

A blog explaining our approach to teaching art and creativity with young children.

baby observing nature

Observational Drawings Blog

A blog explaining the progression of observational drawing of nature.

emotions, pre school, self-regulation

Self-Regulation Blog

A blog explaining self-regulation and how we can support young children with this.

mud writing, Forest School

Fine Motor Skills Blog

Little Hands, Big Ideas: Why Developing Fine Motor Skills is Vital in the Early Years

5 books scheme

5 Books Scheme

A blog about the 5 books scheme in Kindergarten
